Wednesday, July 11, 2012

There Aren't Enough Scoundrels In Your Life

So I'm not sure if my husband fully approves, but I've become a little bit immersed in Star Wars in the last week or two. Usually on the nights we are actually home together, we watch an episode of our favorite show on DVD (Psych, currently on Season 3) because I am so tired by the end of the night we both know I won't make it through anything longer. However, seeing as how we are going to CVI (Celebration 6 -- a huge Star Wars convention) in August, I thought maybe I should brush up on my Star Wars knowledge and asked him if we could watch the movies. I told him to pick which one to start with (Such a seemingly easy decision -- but do we start when Anakin was a boy? Watch all the way through to Episode 3? Start with Luke & Leia's story, then go back to 1 through 3?) My husband says he likes to start with IV, A New Hope, so that's where we began. As I mentioned earlier, I can't make it through much more than an hour so we actually split each movie into 2 nights but I am proud to say we watched all 6 movies! I don't know what it was, but I really loved them this time around. Loved Han & Leia's story more, used the Force to will Anakin to change his actions this time around (I'm sorry to say the Force was not strong with me), and had second thoughts about not making costumes for CVI as I drooled over Padme's gorgeous wardrobe. But I know I'll be excited to wear my Alderaan shirt from Her Universe & since I'm only going one day this year that's ok.

Then I went a little crazy on Etsy. I was supposed to be online setting up my shop, but I did a search for Star Wars and walked away from my computer with this little ditty on it's way...

I put them on the car yesterday and can I just say that they are so much cooler than the generic stick family that was previously residing there.

Then I went ahead and got these that I've had pinned on Pinterest for a while -- 

 So awesome!! They are perfect for us. And now it's time for this Padawan to make her way to bed because my kids don't know the meaning of "sleep in." Good night!